About Me and MagicBluePlanet

Hi there! You landed here on my travel blog. And if you made it up to this page, then you were probably curious what MagicBluePlanet is all about. And who I am anyway. I’ve been asked that many times. And that’s why, after thinking for a while, I decided to write something about myself. All right – then let’s get started.


MagicBluePlanet is a travel blog for best agers and anyone who wants to become one, while having a great time. After all, it doesn’t matter if you’re 20, 50 or 80. It is always the right moment to experience beautiful things. And to take time for yourself.

My site should inspire you and tempt you to dream. And help you find ideas for your next adventure. Here you will find a collection of short travel guides that will give you a quick overview of fascinating places. And make it easier for you to plan your next trip.

Of course, we also don’t want to withhold from you how we fared when we were on tour. Therefore, we will also provide you with our own experience reports. And with little anecdotes. Some of them may make you laugh. And others will make you reflect.

MagicBluePlanet is a blog from Austria. And because I’ve actually been asked about it several times overseas… no, we are not the ones with the kangaroos. We are the ones with Mozart, Johann Strauss and Sacher cake. And skiing in the snowy mountains of the Alps.

My wanderlust

I’ve traveled a lot all my life. As a child and teenager with my parents. They were extremely keen to travel for the conditions of the time. Afterwards with friends, partners and often alone. I am a woman who does what she wants to do. Without waiting for the right company or the ideal moment.

By chance, I came to Latin America as a student and visited different countries. I especially fell in love with Mexico. Therefore, in total I have spent several years of my life in this beautiful country.

I also have some personal things connecting me with Cuba. That is why I have been able to get deeper insights into life on this very special island. I think you can already see it… I’m a big fan of Latin America.

For many years I also worked for international companies. With a time-schedule full of conferences in all corners of the world. That also meant a lot of travel. And therefore, I was lucky enough to be able to discover a great variety of beautiful countries on all possible continents.

About me, just personal

I’m Magdalena Delmonte, the founder of this blog. I had the idea for this blog some time ago. And well, then there was the pandemic and hardly anyone could travel. During a series of lockdowns, there was also a little more time for things that were not part of normal everyday life. Working on MagicBluePlanet kept me busy and saved me from boredom. And it also made me think about what I actually want to do.

I love to write. I think I inherited that from my grandfather. He even wrote a book once. However, it did not gain any public awareness. Nevertheless, I was told that he always read and wrote a lot.

And I believe our world is so incredibly beautiful. There is so much to discover and experience. I love adventure. I love languages. I love learning new things. I love to have unforgettable experiences. You could also say: I love to make beautiful memories.

That’s why I decided to start this blog. It was just obvious. And I can combine the things I really like to do. Why shouldn’t I start to do what I enjoy so much? When, if not now?

And yes, I have to admit, I’m 50+. Or as they say today: Best Ager. So what? In the Chinese zodiac sign, I am a fire horse. And that’s actually more than enough as a time indication.

What is it like to be over 50?

Many years ago, I read an article. It was titled “50 is the new 30”. At that time, I thought to myself, these guys must have turned crazy. From my point of view at that time, everyone over 50 stood with one foot in the grave. In the meantime, I now know that this might not totally be a proper assumption. Well, when I was a teenager, I thought everyone over 30 was almost dead. And that wasn’t the case either.

Being over 50 is great. I feel just as good as I did when I was 30. Even better. By this time, one has learned not to constantly conform to the expectations of others. Because it really doesn’t matter what people think. You already know yourself and the world quite well. And probably you no longer have to find out who you actually are.

So, you are completely free. Free to focus on yourself and make the most of your lifetime. That’s cool, isn’t it?

How is MagicBluePlanet financed?

That is another question I have also been asked several times. The honest answer is – you are not going to be paid for blogging. If you buy a travel guide in a bookstore, you have to pay for it. No matter if you like it afterwards or not. The use of our site is free of charge. And thus, without any risk for you.

Advertising is integrated into our site. And we are linking affiliate offers for you. For example, if you book your hotel for a holiday or an excursion via a link on our site, we will receive a small commission for this. However, this will not make your booking more expensive. On the contrary, bookings online are often even cheaper than, for example, an admission ticket on site.

This even works if you order a product other than the one linked from the retailer. You may want to check out a product link for travel equipment on our site. And buy a new collar for your dog from the same dealer the next day. If this happens in quick succession, we get a few cents as a reward.

And once we’ve been able to save up a bit, we’ll be back on our way to explore new destinations for you and share our experiences with you. And provide fresh, free content to inspire you. That sounds like a fair deal, doesn’t it?

And therefore… Welcome to my blog!

I’m really happy that you’re here.

Sunny greetings,


Author of MagicBluePlanet

About me - Magdalena Delmonte, Travel Blogger